Tuesday 30 June 2015

Trip:Funan anime matsuri 2015‏

As stated in the last week post,I am going to talk about my trip to Funan Anime Matsuri 2015

Almost every year,funan anime matsuri is held at funan IT mall in Singapore,it is not a big event but there are plenty of notable event there like card game tournament e.g cardfight!vanguard! And performance of artist from Japan.
This year guest singer are bless 4


When I arrive in the afternoon of the second day...

Quite a lot of people had already arrive probably for the anime screening

   People having fun at the card games table

   People having vanguard match 

                          (Surprise,surprise!who say only guys enjoy cardgames only?) 

And the main purpose of coming here(drum roll....!!!)

Cosplayer picture!(I did not ask for any specific pose by the way)

(My favourite costume among all)

(Who doesn't like japanese kimono?)

(dun't ask me why i took this,i just got the feel)
Judgement:its a pretty good small scale anime event with lot of different activities to look forward to everyday,however I would only come for two day(both day in the late afternoon)as I was busy,would have love to come for the performance on the sat.

Overall its a pretty great event its like the appetizer for what comes next:Chara expo Singapore 2015!

That all for this week post,stay tune for next week post about my trip to charaexpo Singapore 2015

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