Saturday 27 June 2015

Stuff-Japanese maglev toy train goes up to 500km/hour?‏

This post was suppose to be about Funan Anime Matsuri,however if there is no event what am i going to blog about??(me and my rant)anyway,this is a new segment i will be introducing which is part of the category call-"stuff"where basically i will blog about some of the interesting stuff that i saw over the internet related to japan,so here goes...

Wow!(was the first words that escape from my mouth after I view the article)

I mean being for a toy its pretty impressive(in fact,unbelievable)to chalk up to 500km/hr,its just a toy right?I mean...anyway,take a look at the video under the link,cause its just awesome.

Video link:

Maybe you didn't get all wow like me,but you have to admit the toy is really quite cool.I like the part especially when they compare the maglev train with the current toy shinkansen model(Japanese bullet train),it make the shinkansen look like a tortoise even though shinkansen can notch up to about 300m/hr,which is faster then most car. 

That say,the price of the maglev train model is pretty steep pricing at 35,000 yen (US$283),oh well....maybe I should add the maglev testing museum when I visit Japan someday(that the price for a cool toy)

Here is the video that show the real life maglev train being tested in the Yamagata prefecture

Video link:
Really looking forward to see this real life!

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