Sunday 14 June 2015

Scandal latest single-no22 "stamp!"‏

So,I have decided to start the revival of my blog by renewing the latest single of scandal "stamp"

After many month of hiatus,no thank to procrastination,I have decide to have this blog go through a major change.while I will still be writing review of single and song that I have heard,I also will be review on other thing that is somewhat related to Japanese,so stay tune to it!

Anyway,back to the topic of "stamp"

Here is the cd cover picture of stamp

Regular Edition

Limited Edition A
Limited Edition B

What do you guy think?personally,I think the cd cover look all almost the same(dissapointed),but i think its a not bad cover for summer single,what do you guy think?

My idea image of summer:
Summer=casual clothes+sunglasses(or at least that what I think,haha)

Here is the link to "stamp"short version anyway 

 Judgement:I think I would give this at least a 7/10

It start off pretty well and the overall music sound pretty casual,for a summer song it may lack the impact of "energeticness"but i feel that it gives of a different kind of summer vibes.Overall,it may not be the best single scandal has out there but i think its among the top there,also what I like about it is that you can instantly like the song when you first hear it.Pls do give it a try!

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