Saturday 5 September 2015

Trip:gundam docks in singapore!‏

Firstly,i must apologise for not posting in a long time due to exam issue,anyway as promise here is the review of gundam dock in singapore!

(Finally,I am down just one more exciting event in June to review,phew!)

Personally,I got into the gundam franchise around the time when gundam seed and gundam seed destiny aired at that time I was probably only about 8-9 year old and always look forward to the 11pm Saturday kids show they offered on television and that time the show being aired was gundam seed(Come to think of it,that was probably one of the earliest time that watch anime,I didn't knew that Pokémon was also another anime until much later on)

Anyway,piloting a gigantic robot was probably the dream of every small kid(maybe its only me...)and of course the action scene got me hook onto the gundam seed,it wasn't until about two years ago where I decided to watch gundam again,this time being the latest series`gundam build fighters`.sure,maybe gundam has become plastic toy in the anime series but I still enjoy the action scene although I am still quite blur with the explanation of the plavursky particle on how it enable the gundam to move.

Okay,enough with my rattle let get this started!

Presenting the entrance of gundam docks!

 Along with its two guardian at the entrance

zaku warrior
Here are the more human size mini zaku along the entrance pathway


 Our Overall event area

And the star of gundam docks! Our very own sg50 version of RX78-2!

And the cute looking bearguy3 from gundam build fighter!


And various other gundam...

Featuring freedom or is it destiny gundam?(would never differentiate between them,i think its destiny gundam)

build burning try

Judgement:overall,it is a pretty small event,with a few activities such as the new gundam PlayStation game tryout and building your own gundam workshop(a pity I was able to only stop by for awhile),still after my trip to chara expo it would be certainly hard to beat that experience(perhaps Singapore afa 2015?)

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