Wednesday 13 November 2013

Watarirouka hashiritai disband news

This morning,one of the first major news i have ever receive,since i join the AKB48 fandom is the Watarirouka Hashiritai  7 disbandment or (WH7,Warota) for short.

My most favourite costume(single:Valentine kiss) among all of their A side singles

To tell the truth,i am pretty depress for this disbandment news as this is my favourite sub-unit group from all the AKB48 fandom.I can still remember the day when i hear my first ever(and last,by which i mean the single) Watarirouka Hashiritai song(Shounen Yo Uso Tsuke).I was like Omg!!,How could the song be so energetic and yet sound so nice?From then on,this become the first Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 song in my playlist.Eventually,as i hear more and more and more of their singles ,i found that out that actually i like energetic song the most of all type of genre of song and i felt that Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 is able to give me that *Genki* energy i needed when i hear their song.Not long after hearing a few singles from Wh7,i start to find Watananbe Mayu more and more captivating and i had my first major oshimen change from Oshima Yuko to Watanabe Mayu.Ota Aika,who i could resist because of her signature dimple became my 4th oshimen,just after Kashiwagi Yuki

Among all of their single,i would rank this three as their best single
1.Hettapi Wink
2 Valentine Kiss

At first,i didn"t like the wink-ku wink-ku,toward the end of the chorus of Hettapi Wink but i think Hettapi wink has a great pv,one of the best that i have seen,the winking of the members in the Pv is just so captivating or rather mesmerising.On the other hand,aValentine Kiss may lack a strong chorus but the pv and the music more then make up for it,making it my second favourite.As for my third favourite,gyu,i did not like it in the first place but as i hear more of it,their cuteness gone overboard and the cheesy chorus gets to me.In my opinion,all of their single are really good about 8/10 of them is in my favourite playlist,the only two single which i did not really like was kibou samyaku and Akkanbe Banshi

Anyway the news of Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 disbandment news link is here

It is said that they will disband on 25/12/2013 which is on christmas day and they are going to release a best album of all of their song for sale,as for me,i am going to grab a copy as it is one of the major milestones in my Akb48 fandom journey.I am going to review their song once i have finish reviewing the janken tournament,33rd single "Heart eleki" and Kashiwagi Yuki"birthday wedding" watch out for them.Thank You,Watarirouka Hashiritai 7 for showing me songs can be this energetic,your songs will always be in my top 10 favourite Akb48 song i ever heard.

Saturday 9 November 2013

34th janken tournament,round three

Hello,i am back,been wanting to continue writing the round 3 of the 34th janken tournament,but well...procastination is indeed a scary thing

Anyway,let continue the reviewing of the round 3 of the tournament(even though it is probably old news now...)

Firstly,Round 3 of the tournament is probably the worst round to lose as it just mean another win and you could be the in the senbatsu 16th as i like to call it and

Block A

  • Matsui Jurina vs. Shimada Haruka
  • Kojima Mako vs. Uno Mizuki

Summary:Block A of the tournament round 3  feature a little mix from AKB,SKE, and NMB,this round it seem that it is a tough luck for AKB member as both participant from the sister group manage to move on to the next round,making this the third consecutive win for Matsui Jurina for the day(Yay,to my 5th fav oshimen)

Block B

  • Tomonaga Mio vs. Tano Yuka
  • Okita Ayaka vs. Furuhata Nao
Summary:Wow,if i thought that last round was a mix,this round is even a better mix featuring member from HKT,NMB,AKB and also SKE,what a mix up for this group,anyway i am either fine with anyone of them winning this as i am looking forward to their performance in the 34th single

Block C

  • Morikawa Ayaka vs. Abe Maria
  • Kitahara Rie vs. Takahashi Minami

Summary:Finally,famous members that i know.Block C most epic matchup would probably be the matchup between Kitahara Rie and Takahashi Minami.  Unagi vs General Manager,eh?(i really like the Unagi costume,by the way)After missing out from the 32nd and 33rd single,high time she make her appearance again in the 34th single,congratulation Kitarie!(By the way anyone notice the expression of takamina in the photo?)

Block D

  • Tsuchiyasu Mizuki vs. Watanabe Mayu
  • Hirata Rina vs. Kojima Haruna

Summary:Block D has some interesting matchup,involving Watanabe Mayu(my oshimen) and Kojima Haruna,unfortunately both of them lose in this round.This should be the second single(if i am not wrong),that Kojiharu fail to participate but being to be the center of the 33rd single is already good enough(congrat,Kojiharu!)
As for least she has a break from the 34th single,haha

Block E

  • Ichikawa Miori vs. Kamieda Emika
  • Chikano Rina vs. Fujie Reina

Summary:Now for block E,presenting....Fresh lemon!!(Ichikawa miori) and Kamieda Emika,once again,Kamieda Ericka triumph over her opponent moving on to secure a place in the senbatsu 16(as i like to call it).On the other hand,I was okay with either Chikano Rina or Fujie Reina winning,both of them seem to be a very fun person and i look forward to Fujie Reina performance in the 34th senbastsu single

Block F

  • Kikuchi Ayaka vs. Isohara Kyoka
  • Sasaki Yukari vs. Shimazaki Haruka

Summary:I love Wataritouka Hashiritai 7 song(being my most favourite sub-group) and would regconise everyone in it(at this time of writing,Watarirouka Hashiritai has disband),Naturally,i support,Kikuchi Ayaka (Ayarin) as when everyone power in Watarirouka Hashiritai is combine together,it give out the vibes of *Genki*and cute energy,congratulation on securing a place in the senbatsu 16,Ayarin.I haven"t really regconise Shimazaki Haruka(Paruru) as one of the top member in Akb48 but i think she is trying to prove that she is not just someone that rely on luck to rise to the fame(as seen in 29th single janken tournament),nevertheless being in the top 16 member of Akb48 and of the new generation,i think we will definitely see more of her

Block G

  • Natori Wakana vs. Matsumoto Rina
  • Umeda Ayaka vs. Yumoto Ami

Summary:Team B leader(Umeda Ayaka)has finally made her appearance,in my opinion i think she is brilliant and she should be in the Senbatsu 16,alas,i hope that she will rise to fame eventually.As for the other member,i do not know much about them yet,but i am looking forward to their performance in the 34th single

Block H

  • Oshima Ryoka vs. Oba Mina
  • Koyanagi Arisa vs. Oya Shizuka

Summary:Not long ago,on the Akbshow,i saw Oba Mina (aka Minarun)in it and thought"what a character she had",from then on i begin to take notice of her more in Akb related show,i thought both her and Oya Shizuka are both the hardworking type even though they may not have the look like some member of Akb,their hard work certainly pay off as Oba Mina join Ske48 senbatsu not long after her transfer and Oya shizuka for not giving up despite remaining as a trainee for almost 2 years,congratulations to both of them in securely a place in the Senbatsu 16!

Round Three of tournament is finally review,stay tune to reviewrotation for the rest of the match review(actually,more like my comment on members)

P.s i know it is a drag,but bear with me after the review of 34th single janken senbatsu tournament,expect more interesting review from reviewrotiation!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

34th single janken tournament,round two

Hi,i am back to review for the second round of the 34th single janken tournament,

First thing i got to get off my chest is....

Why does round two got so much more matchup compare to round one....?(so much more review...@##$#$)

But wait....more matchup,mean more kamis will appear,hooray!
Once again,credit for information from and stage48

So,on to the block A of the second round
  • Matsui Jurina vs. Yagura Fuuko
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For this round,Matsui jurina once again win her opponent using paper,(rumour...),anyway,good job in moving to the next round of the tournament,my erm...1...2...erm 5th favourite oshi!
  • Shimada Haruka vs. Yokoyama Yui
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Argh,i really wanted Yokoyama Yui to win this round! but,Paruru is just too good in janken tournament,proving why she is the center for 29th akb single"Eien pressure"

I been procrastinating to write for a very long time,but then the thought of reviewing kashiwagi Yuki second single"birthday wedding"kind of spur me on....with that say i gonna continue reviewing on the 34th janken tournament(still have the excitement after the 34th janken tournament,you see)

  • Kojima Mako vs. Watanabe Miyuki
I just kind of started the Akb fandom(like around april),not long ago in the 32nd senbatsu election,i come across the two NMB ace(Yamamoto sayaka and watanabe miyuki),the first thing that come to my mind was....(wmatsui),the two ace of Nmb certainly look the part,i mean their position,after that i started to get more excited to see the different aces in the sister group to participate in more of Akb48 A side single,this matchup result however doesn really bother me though as i thought janken tournament should let those not-so-famous be given a chance to be in the senbatsu
  • Uno Mizuki vs. Owada Nana
At this point,i was pretty stuck on what to say since my knowledge is pretty much limited to the senbatsu member and also i really wanted to do a review of "birthday wedding pretty badly,i think i will change my strategies here a little

Summary:For the block A of the round two tournament,there is sure some interesting matchup here,once again,Matsui Jurina show us her "strength" proving that is not just some 16 yr old kid eliminating Yagura Fuuka,(go,jurina!!)

Block B

  • Ishida Haruka vs. Tomonaga Mio
  • Tano Yuka vs. Murakami Ayaka
  • Okita Ayaka vs. Kojima Natsuki
  • Furuhata Nao vs. Morita Ayaka

Summary:for the matchup of block b,in honest opinion,i dun't know or rather i haven't learn more about Akb48 enough to know the all the member yet,but given the chance of them appearing in the janken tournament,it will be interesting to see what they can produce

Block C

  • Nagao Mariya vs. Morikawa Ayaka
  • Takahashi Juri vs. Abe Maria
  • Kobayashi Marina vs. Kitahara Rie
  • Fujita Nana vs. Takahashi Minami

Summary:Finally,someone that i actually know appear!!ah yes,who doesn't know about Takahashi Minami(general manger of Akb48),i been wanting to say this for a long time.....her hairstyle has certainly change a lot,from her trademark ponytail,she change it to the current blonde(or is it,gold?)short hair,in my opinion this look good on her,Also on to one of my top ten favourite akb member-kitahara rie,somehow i dun know something kind of draw me to her(not her unagi look though.....or maybe her voice?)either way,congratulation to both of them advancing to the next round

Block D

  • Tsuchiyasu Mizuki vs. Takeuchi Miyu
  • Watanabe Mayu vs. Kashiwagi Yuki
  • Nakata Chisato vs. Hirata Rina
  • Nozawa Rena vs. Kojima Haruna

Summary:After looking at this matchup,i immediately found my most favourite match up in this whole jankan tournament(Watanabe Mayu v.s Kashiwagi Yuki),Yes my most and 3rd favourite oshi squaring against of each other,not to mention both of them are really good friend with one another,making this matchup more epic!

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Yukirin look very stunning in her kimono,while mayu look... in her doctor danso,Once again,mayuyu beat yukirin(even in the 32nd senbatsu election),Ganbatte mayuyu!,Dun't be sad Yukirin,i will support your 2nd single "birthday wedding"

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Anyway,as for the matchup of kojiharu,i thought,if she did get into the top 16th member,she will be one dam lucky girl as she has been announce as the center for"heart electric"jsut before the start of the janken tournament

Block E

  • Ichikawa Miori vs. Kawaei Rina
For block E,i know quite a few people from their variety show (Akbingo),perhaps this round the best matchup would be between Ichikawa miori(aka,fresh lemon) and kawaei Rina(senbatsu of 33rd single member,i remember seeing kawaei Rina in mechaike Akb48 not long ago and since she appear in the 33rd single senbatsu lineup,she certainly has caught my attention,both of them were insanely cute in their own way,but Fresh lemon prevail to move on the next round
  • Kamieda Emika vs. Nakamata Shiori (Default win)
Another thing,i notice for this round was the default win given to Kamieda Ericka,I thought akb48 has so many member surely one would be available to come and take part for the janken tournament??Anyway,it is a good thing for Kamieda ericka,seemingly that she finish in the second place of this 34th janken tournament.(you dun't get a default win everyday)

  • Izuta Rina vs. Chikano Rina
The next matchup present a fight between the two Rina,I saw both of their appearance in their variety show....let's just say i am okay with either of them win for this matchup,haha

  • Sato Amina vs. Fujie Reina

N now for the next match up between Sato amina and Fujie reina(hey,i know both of them).To be honest,if the kamis all left Akb48,Sato amina would definitely be my next oshimen change(sound like i am not very loyal,forgive me,mayuyu!!),Between the both of them i was rooting for Amina to win,(i just like her voice!)Not so disapointed about the result though as this is the janken tournament where the purpose is too hear the not so famous member singing in the single

Block F

  • Miyawaki Sakura vs. Kikuchi Ayaka
  • Omori Miyu vs. Isohara Kyoka
  • Uchiyama Mikoto vs. Sasaki Yukari
  • Shimazaki Haruka vs. Tanabe Miku

Summary:I do not know much about the member that appear in this matchup but i would certainly hope paruru would stop winning the janken round after round(or maybe her luck is really good)after all being the winner of 29th single janken tournament might have put the pressure on her to win this one

Block H

  • Shiroma Miru vs. Oshima Ryoka
  • Oba Mina vs. Kuramochi Asuka
  • Ichino Narumi vs. Koyanagi Arisa
  • Suzuki Shihori vs. Oya Shizuka

Summary:Again,not much of the member i know is in this matchup other than Kuramochi Asuka because of the sub group French Kiss,French kiss was probably the last Sub group,i hear before moving on to the solo single of the 48members,so her voice is kinda fresh in my mind still(i dun even know y m i commenting this on the janken tournament post,lol)Blame it to my poor knowledge of the 48 members

With that Round two of the 34th janken tournament review is done,will be working on the round 3 of the janken tournament review soon,until then stay tune to  the round 3 review of the tournament

Friday 20 September 2013

34th single janken senbatsu,First round

As with last year janken senbatsu,it was pretty epic this year as there were quite a lot of interesting match-up and many surprises

Info and picture taken from:
Firstly,i would like to start with the matchup in the round one of the tournament

In the round one of the tournament,already some of my oshimen has already appear like
E.g Oshima Yuko and Matsui jurina(where i was in for a surprise)

Anyway here is the line up for block A of the tournament round one

Block A

  • Matsui Jurina vs. Muto Tomu
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  • Kobayashi Kana vs. Shimada Haruka
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  • Kojima Mako vs. Iwata Karen

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For the block A of the tournament round one,i only know one of the member
E.g:Matsui jurina
*Apologises* i am still new to Akb48 afterall....

So,on to the match of Matsui Jurina
Matsui Jurina vs Muto Tomu
Winner:Matsui Jurina
Since i only know Matsui jurina,i was kinda rooting for her,so congratulation on making it to the second round,Jurina!

Block B

  • Takeuchi Mai vs. Ishida Haruka
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Summary:i do not know much of the member for this particular block but i was rooting for Takajo Aki,simply because she is in the sub-group:French Kiss and i like their song,however as 1 Akb member and Nmb member passing this round,thing are really starting to heat up as it is a victory for the sister group

So far....
Akb win:4  Sister Group win:2

Block C

  • Mizuno Honoka vs. Nagao Mariya
  • Maeda Ami vs. Takahashi Juri
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  • Miyazaki Miho vs. Kobayashi Marina
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Summary:i only know member like Maeda Ami and Miyazaki Miho for block c,even though both of them lost,it seem that 3 member of Akb pass this round,with two team A member passing through round 1,by the way,i have to comment on the costume choice that Maeda Ami choose"venellope"

So far...
Akb win:7  Sister Group win:2
(Gap between akb and the sister group win are starting to get wider....)

Block D

  • Tsuchiyasu Mizuki vs. Suzuki Mariya
  • Kato Rena vs. Nakata Chisato

Summary:This round for block d seem like a inner fight between the four Akb member,all from the 4 different area,team A,team B,Team k and Akb kks,(at this point i kind of starting to hope to see more sister group member participate...),

Result,according to me
Akb win:9  sister group win:2

(Starting to feel guilty by taking too much photo from

Block E

  • Ichikawa Miori vs. Kodama Haruka
  • Kamieda Emika vs. Tanaka Natsumi
  • Izuta Rina vs. Uchida Mayumi

Summary:For this round,i only know member like Ichikawa Miori and Uchida Mayumi,this round seem like a  huge jump for the sister group with two Nmb member passing through this round,lady luck seem to have left Uchida Mayumi this round denying her of her chance to be in senbatsu this Janken tournament

Akb win:10  Sister group:4

Block F
  • Miyawaki Sakura vs. Matsui Sakiko
  • Sato Sumire vs. Omori Miyu
  • Uchiyama Mikoto vs. Miyamae Ami

Summary:For this block round,it seem like there is an equal number from each group advancing to the next round,with one from Hkt,Ske and Akb(all the different member name is just too much for a beginner like me)

Akb win:11 Sister win:6

Block G

  • Iriyama Anna vs. Nonaka Misato
  • Matsumoto Rina vs. Katayama Haruka
  • Yamauchi Suzuran vs. Kobayashi Rikako

Summary:In this block round two member from Akb,team b make it to the next round,along with one member from Ske

Akb win:13  Sister win:7

Block H

  • Oshima Yuko vs. Shiroma Miru
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  • Sato Seira vs. Ichino Narumi

Summary:Yuko seem to not have good luck in Janken Tournament as usual but at least she can have a break from being in Senbatsu for this 34th single(been waiting to comment one of my fav oshi...)anyway,two member from the sister group make it through this round,it seem like there will be a higher chance of seeing the sister group in Akb a side single

Akb win:13 sister win:9

This conclude the end of the first round of the 34th single janken senbatsu tournament,i thought of reviewing the new single"heart electric"today,turn out it was only gonna release at next month 30th,(dissapointed),anyway,from the above round,it seem that only 1 of this year kami7 make it to the next round,stay tune for round 2 of the tournament!

Apologise for some of the picture not shown though,(kind of guilty for taking others credit too much...)

Btw,review of the second round of the tournament is underway,will post it up as soon as it is done.

Akb48 33rd single:"heart electric"review

Firstly,congratulation for the latest single"Heart electric"

In the first place,i think the name is pretty good,it just seem like a good name for a song and it kinda make you feel that "heart electric"is going to be an interesting single.Also,with the title it pretty much state that this single fall under the categories of "love"

Without further ado,here is some detail about the latest single "heart electric"

Release date:2013.10.30(reviewing this quite early,eh?)

Center:kojima haruna(kojiharu)-michelle

 Member lineup:(Takahashi Minami - Linda),(Oshima Yuko - Lucy),(Kashiwagi Yuki - Catherine),(Sashihara Rino - Lola),(Watanabe Mayu - Elizabeth).(Matsui Jurina - Caroline),(Shimazaki Haruka - Angelina),(Matsui Rena - Sandy),(Yokoyama Yui - Melanie),(Yamamoto Sayaka - Rosanda),(Watanabe Miyuki - Josephine),(Minegishi Minami - Barbara),(Ota Aika - Margaret),(Iriyama Anna - Veronica),(Kawaei Rina - Kawae).

Info taken from:

To tell the truth,i was pretty surprise at this 33rd single lineup,even more so then the 32nd senbatsu election when sashihara rino become the center.Talking about the center,this round the center is kojima haruna.Unexpectedly,it was not those usual center like oshima yuko or watanabe mayu,rather it was kojima haruna who has never taken the center position for the a side of akb48.Lately,it seem that it is becoming the trend for choosing member that are about to be graduated to be the center for the single as in the case for itano tomomi(sayonara crawl 31st single),does that mean that kojiharu is about to be graduated?

The next thing that i want to highlight would be the english name for each member,to be honest,i think the member english name were funny and very interesting.Takahashi Minami really seem like she suit the name"Linda","Lucy"seem like a name for a very gentle girl,(Oshima Yuko,seem to be gentle and at time with strong determination,being the leader of team k?).On the other hand,"Elizabeth"seem to be kind of a strong name for Watanabe Mayu,who i think is pretty cute and gentle,so maybe yuko and mayuyu should have their english name switch??haha,anyway i had my doubt about Kashiwagi Yuki called "Catherine"it seem like a good name for her and at the same time not so too.Like Yuko,Sayaka Yamamoto seem like the "strong"type of girl and so"rosanda"is a pretty good fit for her.As for watanabe miyuki,i think that her nickname:"milky"will suit just fine as it is english.As for kawaei rina,her name"kawae"seem like not much thought is not put into it but then with all the english name taken by other member,i got to admit it was pretty hard to come up with another english name.Actually,i am pretty fine with the english name completely replace by their nickname but i suppose they did not want this single to kind of copy team b famous stage song"team b oshi"where team b member nickname were added in the song.

For this single,i am really looking forward to kojima haruma center performance and the part where she shout the member english name in the middle of the song.Also,i am glad that ota aika is in this single lineup as she is one of my oshi and has not appear in the A side single for a long time since everyday katchuusha(21st single).

I gonna do a review on the music video of"heart electric"when it is officially release,until then stay tune to reviewrotation for more of my review.

                            "Happy rotation time!"