Friday 20 September 2013

Akb48 33rd single:"heart electric"review

Firstly,congratulation for the latest single"Heart electric"

In the first place,i think the name is pretty good,it just seem like a good name for a song and it kinda make you feel that "heart electric"is going to be an interesting single.Also,with the title it pretty much state that this single fall under the categories of "love"

Without further ado,here is some detail about the latest single "heart electric"

Release date:2013.10.30(reviewing this quite early,eh?)

Center:kojima haruna(kojiharu)-michelle

 Member lineup:(Takahashi Minami - Linda),(Oshima Yuko - Lucy),(Kashiwagi Yuki - Catherine),(Sashihara Rino - Lola),(Watanabe Mayu - Elizabeth).(Matsui Jurina - Caroline),(Shimazaki Haruka - Angelina),(Matsui Rena - Sandy),(Yokoyama Yui - Melanie),(Yamamoto Sayaka - Rosanda),(Watanabe Miyuki - Josephine),(Minegishi Minami - Barbara),(Ota Aika - Margaret),(Iriyama Anna - Veronica),(Kawaei Rina - Kawae).

Info taken from:

To tell the truth,i was pretty surprise at this 33rd single lineup,even more so then the 32nd senbatsu election when sashihara rino become the center.Talking about the center,this round the center is kojima haruna.Unexpectedly,it was not those usual center like oshima yuko or watanabe mayu,rather it was kojima haruna who has never taken the center position for the a side of akb48.Lately,it seem that it is becoming the trend for choosing member that are about to be graduated to be the center for the single as in the case for itano tomomi(sayonara crawl 31st single),does that mean that kojiharu is about to be graduated?

The next thing that i want to highlight would be the english name for each member,to be honest,i think the member english name were funny and very interesting.Takahashi Minami really seem like she suit the name"Linda","Lucy"seem like a name for a very gentle girl,(Oshima Yuko,seem to be gentle and at time with strong determination,being the leader of team k?).On the other hand,"Elizabeth"seem to be kind of a strong name for Watanabe Mayu,who i think is pretty cute and gentle,so maybe yuko and mayuyu should have their english name switch??haha,anyway i had my doubt about Kashiwagi Yuki called "Catherine"it seem like a good name for her and at the same time not so too.Like Yuko,Sayaka Yamamoto seem like the "strong"type of girl and so"rosanda"is a pretty good fit for her.As for watanabe miyuki,i think that her nickname:"milky"will suit just fine as it is english.As for kawaei rina,her name"kawae"seem like not much thought is not put into it but then with all the english name taken by other member,i got to admit it was pretty hard to come up with another english name.Actually,i am pretty fine with the english name completely replace by their nickname but i suppose they did not want this single to kind of copy team b famous stage song"team b oshi"where team b member nickname were added in the song.

For this single,i am really looking forward to kojima haruma center performance and the part where she shout the member english name in the middle of the song.Also,i am glad that ota aika is in this single lineup as she is one of my oshi and has not appear in the A side single for a long time since everyday katchuusha(21st single).

I gonna do a review on the music video of"heart electric"when it is officially release,until then stay tune to reviewrotation for more of my review.

                            "Happy rotation time!"

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