Tuesday 26 April 2016

Free house in japan!!

Its been a really long time since i post,i lost my password to this website a while back and now finally found it!!So,i am gonna start with some last year post....

Yes,you heard me right(or rather,you saw me wrote)

(in case you were wondering,i refering to my title)

A free house in Japan! I know what you are thinking(there must a catch somewhere) 

Unfortunately, you are wrong,there is absolutely nothing weird going on in this house at least nothing like.. The ghost from ju-on?(man,that movie was good,i would write about this another day...)

 or perhaps Teletubbies?? 

(Hahaha,me and my imagination) Anyway,from the sources in rocket news it seem that the reason why the house is being available for free is because to get to the house after you e.g park your car is very troublesome,as you have to snake your way through a narrow path all the way to the house. Apparently,the previous owner got tired of snaking through this path day by day and finally decided to move out to save himself trouble. Here is picture that show what the house look like 

FH 1

FH 3

 Ah!!!it come with a sea view too I dun know about you but personally I can see my retirement life being relaxing:)
